A Landing Page is a web page, within a website, specifically designed to convert visitors into leads. These pages offer something that seduces the user and makes them want to leave their information through a form, which will give them access to content and other things of interest.
Therefore this page helps us to convert users into end customers, hence the importance of creating a landing page designed to truly convert visitors.
7 tricks to optimize your Landing Page
1. Delete browsing data
El objetivo de la landing page es el de convertir a los usuarios en leads, y si añadimos cosas innecesarias puede pasar que éste se distraiga con otras otras páginas y finalmente no nos deje sus datos.
Un ejemplo de contenido del que podemos prescindir es la barra de menú. Piensa que si el usuario empieza a navegar por la web es muy provable que finalmente se marche sin haber dejado sus datos.
2. It brings a benefit
You have to offer the user something that is attractive enough so that they want to leave their data, we have to provide them with value in exchange for their registration.
The message has to be clear and concise, explain in the most concrete way possible how our offer solves your problem. Playing with titles, subtitles, and bullet points is a good way to do it. Above all, do not give the user more options, do not distract him with other actions.
An engaging content could be an ebook or downloadable guide. Also an offer, a promotion, a trial period … Think of something that is irresistible!
3. Add multimedia
Although it is important to avoid distracting the user, if we add an attractive image (or infographic) that adds value to the landing page, it will help you understand what we are offering you.
Try playing with the colors to get their attention, either in the form or in the Call To Action.
4. Optimize the mobile version
It is a reality that more and more users use mobile phones to consume content or search the internet. That is why it is very important that our Landing Page is optimized for mobile so that it is just as attractive as the desktop version.
5. Pay attention to the form
It has to be easy for the user to leave us their data in the form, do not ask for a very extensive list of data, it may be tedious and finally close without having made the conversion. Focus on what you need most, an email, name, phone…. If you already have a first contact later, it will be easier to apply it.
6. Diffusion on social networks
Give the user the opportunity to share the Landing Page on their social networks if they have liked the content with their contacts, so you can easily increase visibility.
7. Trial and error
Es importante ir probando diferentes versiones hasta dar con aquella que nos funciona mejor y con la que obtenemos más registros. No solo importa que el diseño sea bonito, sino que el mensaje tiene que ser claro, coherente, simple y que no dé pie a la confusión.
Recuerda que para que una landing sea efectiva tienes que tener claro el objetivo, pensar bien de donde vendrán las visitas y que les ofrecemos al usuario a cambio de sus datos.